Seeded by a series of conversations, gatherings and studies on how to strengthen the water movement in Canada, Our Living Waters has developed into a thriving Network. Together, the Network drives collaboration and unites voices, while providing a common basis to measure progress toward our ambitious goal: all waters in Canada in good health by 2030.
No organization, no matter how large or well funded, can protect the waters alone. We need to work together!
Our Living Waters exists to amplify the influence and impact of the many, diverse organizations that make up the water community in Canada. We provide six key services that connect and convene Network members.
Our Values
As Network conveners, we are committed to centering our relationship with water through our values. This is our water declaration:
We know—in our bones—that water is sacred.
We have a responsibility to listen to and take care of the waters.
Our relationships with each other are a reflection of our relationships to water.
We are dedicated to working together on behalf of the waters.
Our Living Waters is a non-Indigenous organization with a commitment to the ongoing process of reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples.
At OLW, we recognize that collaboration with Indigenous Peoples and perspectives is essential when working to protect waters. We are committed to learning about and practising how to be in good relations with the land, water and Indigenous partners. We also strive to understand what it means to work with multiple knowledge systems. Wherever we are in this heart-led journey is the right place to take another step. As such, we commit to continued (un-)learning and expect to be humbled by mistakes along the way.
Our Funders
Our Living Waters commits to not take or apply for funds designated for Indigenous led organizations.
Many thanks to our core funding partners for their support of the Our Living Waters Network - Dragonfly Ventures, Sitka Foundation, and Echo Foundation. In addition to these core funders, we have also received funding from the the RBC Foundation, Max Bell Foundation, Heritage Canada, the National Research Council, and the Real Estate Foundation of BC.