Canadian Coalition for Healthy Waters
Influencing federal water policy is an OLW Network priority that requires collective action. To ensure a consistent and cohesive message, OLW Chairs this non-partisan Coalition of organizations that advocate for federal government leadership and policy to support the health of fresh water — including all inland waters — across Canada. 

The Canadian Coalition for Healthy Waters was created to fill a noted gap in the freshwater community: a united and consistent voice to advocate the federal government with respect to water. Drawing on our five foundational pillars, we are currently advocating for three actions from the federal government:

  1. build a robust Canada Water Agency;
  2. renew the over 50-year-old Canada Water Act;
  3. make a historic investment of $1 billion over 5 years in the Freshwater Action Plan.

But we are only as strong as we are united, so please join us and add your voice! As a member of the Canadian Coalition for Healthy Waters, you will:

  • add your organizational voice alongside the many others advocating for healthy waters across Canada;
  • have opportunities to meet and collaborate with other like-minded organizations;
  • have access to thoughtful analysis, strategies, and tactics to help your organization push for federal government leadership on fresh water;
  • have the opportunity to sign on to submissions to the government, press outlets, and more.

We all tirelessly work towards the health of waters in Canada, and we know that the federal government should be providing strong and appropriate leadership and policy support. That’s why we have created the Canadian Coalition for Healthy Waters. Please join us!  


For more information and a list of active representatives, visit the website.


Canadian Coalition for Healthy Waters
Canadian Coalition for Healthy Waters
Imagine a Canada where all waters are in good health: