What it means
The Canadian public understands the value of healthy water, and that Canada’s water is not unlimited, has threats to its health and needs protecting.
Impact measures
These impact measures signal whether we are making progress towards this winning condition:
What it means
Diverse constituencies with influence engage in effective decision making and exercise authority to ensure the health of all waters.
Impact measures
These impact measures signal whether we are making progress towards this winning condition:
What it means
Accessible, scientific, traditional and local knowledge to monitor, assess, and report on freshwater health and to anticipate and understand emerging issues.
Impact measures
These impact measures signal whether we are making progress towards this winning condition:
What it means
A public policy framework enables nested watershed governance and collaborative decision-making that addresses the unique contexts, needs and opportunities that exist at different scales.
Impact measures
These impact measures signal whether we are making progress towards this winning condition:
What it means
Enforced legal standards that reflect sustainability principles provide consistent regulatory backstops to ensure human and aquatic ecosystem health.
Impact measures
These impact measures signal whether we are making progress towards this winning condition:
What it means
Human-made surroundings and their supporting infrastructure function in harmony with watershed ecosystems.
Impact measures
These impact measures signal whether we are making progress towards this winning condition:
What it means
Mechanisms within economic systems - such as investments, financial penalties and price signals - incentivize activities that repair damage, and sustain net gains, to the integrity of ecosystems.
Impact measures
These impact measures signal whether we are making progress towards this winning condition: